• Culture & Education

Rethinking the Place of Women in Society

We live in a country which has Amnesia. We forget the number of rape cases that is recorded each day. Just a quick reminder: According to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), an average of 88 rape cases ..

Multi-Layered Caste System of India

The idea of the caste system has been therefore deeply established within the Indian mind that, contrary to common belief it still exists in several elements of India.

The Malicious Caste System

“Yaadhum oore, Yaavarum kaelir,” said Kaniyan Pungundranar. It means “I am a world citizen and everyone is my kith and kin”. “Caste” has been an integral part of our society for the past 2000 years.

AI career opportunities for students -Take the first step towards success!

AIWS is an online self-learning platform providing transformational AI and Coding technology education to students at home, to homeschoolers and in K12 schools. AI & Coding provides a competitive advantage when applying to colleges, internships.

Is eLearning Ready to Replace Classroom Learning in India?

‘Going Online’ has been a buzzword for some time now and the recent pandemic outbreak as well as the resulting lockdown has pushed not just offices but also educators to change lane towards online mode of operation.
