• Culture & Education

Mental Health - The Next Pandemic?

Our emotional, psychological, and social well-being are parts of our mental well-being. It also has an effect on how we handle stress, communicate with others, and make choices. Mental health is essential at any stage of life, including childhood, ad

Freedom Of Indian Women

India is one of the least safest countries for women.Are women really independent in India or is it just a fantasy. It’s high time to think about safety, freedom and respect to women as an individual and their role in our society.

Social Media and Decline in Reading Culture

With the growing influence and liking of social media, it will surely become difficult to fill the room with books. A survey in the UK showed that with the increasing age, the tendency to read a book decreases; the effect is profoundly seen when ...

Top Robot Fiction books by "Isaac Asimov"

In Science-Fiction world he had great place even they say that in robotics Isaac Asimov’s three laws of the Robotic culture are the base principles. Most of the books are between the robotic intelligence and the human intelligence story lines.

How Diverse Engineering Teams Help Startups to Grow!

Diverse organizations are skilled; they are more effective at solving complicated problems or situation.
