• Culture & Education

Top Skills that Students Need to Thrive in Post-Pandemic World

Post pandemic, businesses will be even more selective and critical when it comes to hiring employees and students who are having all the right set of skills will be the only ones to make it into a respectable position.

Diversity in Inclusion

This age’s digital era has revealed that while more and more people use social media and mobile platforms to stay connected, ‘inclusion’ is experienced more outside the family than within.

5 Reasons Why One Should Pursue Anthropology for Higher Studies

Anthropology as a subject is a somewhat poorly understood one among all the fields in Social Sciences. It stems from the root word 'anthro' which means human.

The Quintessential List Of 9 Indian Artists Who Won The Grammy Awards

Publicly renowned as ‘Grammy’, the Grammy Award is presented by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences of the United States in recognition of outstanding achievement in the music industry.

My Struggle is My Real Education

The struggles are the motivating force. They bring opportunity to rise and ride the tides and currents. I am fortunate to face these hardships to take the challenges of life. In these tides; I have/had seen many new opportunities knocking on the door.
