Too much noise clutters the brain. You need to cancel the noise to hear the truth. And when it is about your pay cut, the force of noise becoming much louder. With so much around to read and hear, it is important you find the tranquility. For long,
Sculpting the body down to a perfect shape is a burning desire of each one of us, after all, who wouldn’t want to look attractive and beautiful? This year the need to slim down has increased further with the unexpected lockdown, prolonged work from h
Pertaining to healthy lifestyle, Plato, the Athenian philosopher once quoted “Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it”. On the same topic,
Apart from the wonderful mix of cultures and gorgeous valleys, a little-known aspect of Assamese culture is its unique style of Assamese cuisine that incorporates herbs and spices found in very few places around the world.
Our backpacks had enough of sitting inside the cupboard. Our shoes are waiting for being dusted and worn again to get dirty. It's time we free them and our spirits too to go travel as states like Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Goa, Rajasthan...