Being smartest in your profession, Help to Build the Smart community!!
Guidelines ensure your posts are consistent in style and tone, cut down editing time and lead to higher quality content overall. You need to include some elements specific to digital which we mentioned below:
Here are some questions to ask yourself:
- Is this blog meant to help me to explore my knowledge?
- Will I be sharing the informative things to the audience?
- Is my blog just for fun, personal fulfillment, or to support a cause?
- Is my goal to become the smartest blogger?
- Do I want to share the observation of my research study in my blog?
Nail Down Your Niche
You can write on a single topic or group of topics, no strings attached. For example, you can choose a broad topic (Digital Marketing), and next keeping an interest in Cooking, you may include your thoughts within the same topic.
- Headlines are your blog post’s first impression, use the important words in the title.(Should be 60-70 Characters)
- The length of the blog post should be an average of 600 words.
- Use standardized images related to topics only. Info-graphic are most recommended.
- Content should not be copied from any other portal.
- Images should not contain any water mark, no copyrights, avoid using blurred images.
- Topics should be readable and user informative.
- Content related to Casino/Dating/Gambling/Betting are not welcomed.