• Culture & Education

Top 6 Web Developer Skills in 2020

It is becoming mandatory to update yourself with the fast-changing industry. If you are starting a new or are an experienced web developer, keep an eye on the following skills to be competitive in web development.

5 Reasons Why Tutors need Technology

The private tuition business is expected to grow by $102 billion by 2019-2020. Constantly the technology is gaining progress in the education field. The taste and preferences of the students are also shifting towards online education this is why ...

74th Independence Day: India's Transformation from 1947 to 2020

India prior to Independence has been under foreign rules for ages, from medieval period, it has been ruled from Mughals and other foreign regimes. And if we look at the latest history prior to independence, India was colonized by the British ..

Understanding China and its Expansionist Proclivity

After the Galwan misadventure of China, India’s prime minister said that the age of expansionism is over. It was a clear message to China, refuting all its claims of India being the provoker. A US intelligence report corroborated the fact that ...

An Empowered Woman is Powerful beyond Measure!

While India has always been a male-dominant market and it is no secret that there is a dearth of women leaders who still lack social acceptance, this sorry state of affairs is slowly coming to an end.
