• Culture & Education

Data Analyst Career Path

A Data Analyst sits with heaps of data, analyses it to spot trends, make forecasts and extract information to help the enterprise make profitable business decisions.

How to write a resume for a Java Developer?

For every profession, a resume is like a representation of an individual in two pages. Investing your time to write a good resume is as important as finding a job. Typically one should invest 3 hours at least to write a resume. It is not about replic

New Fashion - The Latest Fashion Trends

What the latest fashion trends include change, curiosity, and the setting of time, spot, and wearer. The synchronous presentation and show of many recent fads. The determinations made by the inventive shopper, and the idea of the outflow of the ...

Which Mechanical Design Course is Best?

Despite lakhs of mechanical engineers being already employed across the world, they continue to be in great demand. Playing an integral part in each of the engineering sectors, mechanical design engineers happen to be highly sought after, to work ..

Top 5 Indian Mythology Books One Shouldn't Miss

Indian Mythology fiction books are a series of stories or myths about a particular individual, civilization, religion, or any group of people who share common beliefs.
