There is a saying that prevention is better than cure. Right across the globe, humans have legends of immortals, alchemy and long lifespans. Though it is evident that sapiens have evolved with characteristic lifespan, old epics and myth all over the world talks about immortality and magical herbs that could cure all health issues. The great imaginative abilities of human race have always wrote about demigods with Longevity, immortality and superstrength and today, science fictions shows the same concept on the screen in a different way, showing that many of our imaginations will become realities in coming years.
Yes, definitely it will be, technology has almost made possible the other myths like driverless cars and flying cars, why can’t the myths of Longevity be possible.
The fifth generation wireless standard is going to disrupt the healthcare sector, giving shape to a new connected healthcare ecosystem. The new ecosystem will align with the idea, known as 4P medicine-that is, it will be predictive, preventative, personalised and participatory. With the technologies like wearable health monitors becoming.
The potential of 5G in technical attributes is that it is a quantum leap from its predecessor 4G, and is capable of achieving a speed 100 times faster than that of 4G. This results in ultra-low latency, in the time taken to process a request. A wide range of advanced technologies like AI, the Internet of Things (IoT), the cloud, big data analytics, geolocation sensors, real-time monitor reinforced by 5G will accelerate the digital transformation of healthcare industry.
Enhanced Tech-Care
5G promises a new health ecosystem with higher levels of connectivity that can meet both patient and provider needs accurately, efficiently, conveniently, cost-effectively and at substantial scale. However, to release the full potential of 5G network in healthcare settings, network security and data privacy need to be strong and more secure. 5G could boost and advance the applications of AI, robotics and IoT. With the greater bandwidth of 5G, reducing the latency, these technologies could do wonder when integrated into health field. From telemedicine, remote surgery and emergency response care to faster transmission of medical reports— every critical component of the existing healthcare ecosystem will be enhanced.
Faster Transmission of Reports/Files: The Medical imaging files and pathological test results, that are often large in size and difficult to send and receive quickly could be transferred almost in real-time with the 5G speed.
Patient Monitoring: Using wearable devices and sensors connected to 5G networks can help patients to be monitored in real time in large, specialised healthcare facilities even from home or remote places.
Emergency Response Care: 5G-enabled emergency response system allows patients to receive expert treatment while they are rushed to the hospital through remotely connected trauma specialists working virtually with on the scene medical professionals. This can help save many precious lives.
Remote Surgery: Conducting remote surgery with existing wireless networks has been impossible because of the lag between input and output due to low speeds of network, which could be dangerous to the patient.
The Long Visible Future
American philosopher John Dewey once famously said – “Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination.” Yes there are few highly imaginary expectations about the future of healthcare. Some of these ideas are as follows.
Improving AR, VR and spatial computing: While augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and spatial computing are already being used in healthcare on a limited basis, 5G may eventually further enhance a doctor's ability to deliver innovative, less invasive treatments.
AI Diagonostics: Many key healthcare functions are beginning to use artificial intelligence (AI) to determine potential diagnoses and decide on the best treatment plan for a specific patient. Additionally, AI can help predict which patients are more likely to have post-operative complications, allowing healthcare systems to provide early interventions when necessary.
Researches think that, a five years from now, the healthcare tech will change to such an extent that Biohacking will be possible and common. Biohacking entails implanting small electronics beneath the skin to monitor the body's signs more accurately. According to biohackers, special diets, drugs, and supplements can enhance cognitive abilities, sex drive, and physical fitness and prevent aging. This as told earlier is a utopian dream of Elixir which might come true in future.