Top 5 Best IDE's for development

Top 5 Best IDE

To develop any software or any other application we need to select 3 things mainly language, environment to develop, platform. These are the major things to consider, among them language and platform will be fine but choosing the IDE will be the difficult choice for us to select and use.

While coming to the IDE it is quite difficult for us to choose.  Some IDE have some features and some don’t have them, some supports for limited only and some supports many. Coming to the IDE its stands for” Integrated Development Environment”. Usually an IDE means it has a source code editor, automation tools to build the code, integration tools, deployment tools, and intelligent auto-completion for syntax etc.

Here am mentioning the best IDE for development with features and the drawbacks,

1. Microsoft Visual Studio

Microsoft Visual Studio is an IDE from Microsoft which is used to develop computer programs, websites, web services, and mobile apps. It is the premium IDE coming at an enterprise pricing of $2999 annually. It comes with tons of tools for compatibility testing so you could test on numerous devices and applications.

Languages Supported: ASP.NET, DHTML, JavaScript, Jscript (is a Microsoft dialect for ECMA script in internet explorer), Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual C++, Visual F#, XAML and more.

Some key features:

  • Automation tools
  • Fast and smart code editing
  • Easy and efficient project management
  • Rapid user interface development
  • Support for multiple languages
  • Cross-platform Support
  • Split screen Support
  • Insights for monitoring performance in real time
  • Easy refactoring and code snippet insertion
  • VCS support

Drawbacks: Because the Visual Studio is a heavyweight IDE, it takes considerable resources to open and run, so making simple edits may be time-consuming on some devices. For the simpler task, it may be easier to use a lightweight editor.

Available for Windows, MacOS. No support for Linux.

P.S:- For source code editing Microsoft is providing the one of the powerful editor visual studio code ; it is available for all the platforms.

2. Eclipse

Eclipse is a free to use open source editor useful for beginners and pros too. Originally was a Java environment but as of now, it has a wide range of capabilities thanks to a large number of plug-ins and extensions. The standard edition of eclipse comes with java and plug-in development tooling. There is even plenty of other packages to choose from that includes tools for charting, modeling, reporting, testing and building GUIs. The Eclipse Marketplace Client gives users access to a treasure trove of plug-in and information supplied by an expanding community of developers. Before the introduction of Android, Studio Eclipse was used for developing android apps as it was considered best for Java environment development

Languages Supported: C, C++, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and more

Some key features:

  • Best Support for latest Java technologies
  • Smart code completion
  • Tooling options for JEE projects
  • Productivity Boosters
  • Developer ergonomics
  • Git integration
  • JUnit integration
  • Task-focused interface including system-tray notifications
  • Cross platform Support
  • Rich set of community provided Plugins

Drawbacks: While Eclipse is very versatile software, the many options may be intimidating to newcomers. Eclipse doesn’t have all of the same features as IntelliJ IDEA, but it is open source.

Available for Windows, Linux, MacOS for free.

3. InteliJ Idea

IntelliJ Idea is an IDE developed by Jet Brains. This IDE offers users a free Community Edition, 30-day free trial for the Ultimate Edition, and costs $533 - $693 annually depending on features. IntelliJ IDEA, which supports Java 8 and Java EE 7, comes with extensive tools to develop mobile apps and enterprise technologies for different platforms. When it comes to cost, IntelliJ is a real deal due to the massive of list of features you get.

Languages supported: AngularJS, CoffeeScript, CS, HTML, JavaScript, LESS, Node JS, PHP, Python, Ruby, Sass, TypeScript and more.

Some key features:

  • Best Support for latest Java technologies
  • Smart code completion
  • Framework-specific assistance
  • Productivity Boosters
  • Developer ergonomics
  • Git integration
  • Supports Google App engine, Grails, Java EE, Play Spring, Struts and many more
  • Cross-platform Support
  • Rich set of community provided Plugins

Drawbacks: This IDE comes with a learning curve, so it may not the best for beginners. There are many shortcuts to remember, and some users complain about the clunky UI.

P.S:- JetBrains almost have all kind of IDE for every language the only problem is not suitable for the beginners.

Available for all platforms Windows, Linux,Mac.

For Mac it have two versions one is for Intel based and another one is for new Arm silicon based one.


NetBeans IDE lets you quickly and easily develop Java desktop, mobile, and web applications, as well as HTML5 applications with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. The IDE also provides a great set of tools for PHP and C/C++ developers. It is a free and open source and has a large community of users and developers around the world. The Apache Software Foundation is the developer for this IDE.

NetBeans IDE is the official IDE for Java 8. With its editors, code analyzers, and converters, you can quickly and smoothly upgrade your applications to use new Java 8 language constructs, such as lambdas, functional operations, and method references.

Languages Supported: Java, HTML, HTML 5, C, C++ PHP, and many more

Some key features:

  • Best Support for latest Java technologies
  • Fast and smart code editing
  • Easy and efficient project management
  • Rapid user interface development
  • Support for multiple languages
  • Cross-platform Support
  • Rich set of community provided Plugins

Drawbacks: This free IDE consumes a lot of memory, so it may perform sluggishly on some machines, requires high ram to use this IDE.

Available for Windows, Linux, MacOS.

5. Xcode

Xcode is also famous integrated development environment (IDE) software created by Apple.

Available in Mac app store absolutely free of charge. It only runs on Mac OS (operating system). Mainly used to build OS X and iOS. It is packed with all types of editors, compilers and other necessary tools required for the development.

Swift is an innovative new programming language for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch and, when combined with Xcode tools, makes programming a delightfully live experience.

Languages Supported: - Swift and Objective-C, AppleScript, Perl, Python, and Ruby already installed.

Some key features

  • Source Editor
  • Asset Catalog
  • Assistant Editor
  • Version Editor
  • Interface Builder Built-in
  • Open Quickly feature
  • OpenGL Frame Capture
  • Complete Documentation
  • Unix Tools
  • File Merge
  • Command Line Tools
  • Terminal 2
  • Zombie Detection
  • Source View
  • Design Tools
  • Compliers for C,C++
  • Simulator for iOS devices
  • Interface Builder Built-In
  • Declarative Syntax

Drawbacks: - It is not available for any other operating systems.

Available for only MacOS. No support for the windows or Linux.

And there are so many other IDEs are available among them these are the powerful and best setups for the development. The other some of the editors are available are Code::Blocks, GNAT Programming Studio, CodeLite, Qt Creator, Komodo IDE etc.
