Entrepreneurs a Need of Hour
Entrepreneurs is one of the most heard word now days in the business world. India is one of the most growing country and needed as many Entrepreneurs who can start new ventures. For all this needed a basic education and lot of Indian Institutes have started MBA in Entrepreneurship, this program develops the skill and knowledge to start the new ventures. The MBA in Entrepreneurship program create the framework for developing the skills for managerial leadership which helps them to decide the strategy and implementing to start and run successfully and organization.
An Entrepreneurs growth is not only his growth but it is socio economic growth of a country also.
People can question as most of the successful tycoons like Dirubhai Ambani (Reliance Industry), Marcus Goldman (Goldman Sachs), Henry Ford (Ford Motor Company) and many more are there who were not having the basic degree also, but they have created business empires.
Same like in recent years also after technology become a must to live with, some of the top ballooners are not holding any Management degree but they have created the well managed business such like Mark Zuckerburg (Facebook), Steve Jobs (Apple), Steve Wozniak (Apple), Walt Disney (Disney), Larry Page & Sergey Brin (Google), Bill Gates (Microsoft), Michael Dell (Dell), etc. were college dropouts but they aim to achieve and worked around a clock for the fulfillment of their aims.
But they were 1 in millions, but they also took the help of people who were having the degree to manage and build the company.
Entrepreneurship and Education
Business school provide the programs that fulfill the need to provide networks, tools, structure, and mentality to changing the entrepreneurial path. Dedication to work, Problem solving skills, ability to learn from failure, thoughtful concern, eagerness to try something new and understanding to handle skills independently are the things that they learn from the master minds of the industry.
Business School provides the programe MBA in Entrepreneurship which fulfills the need to provide the path for changing the entrepreneurial path.
It helps in creating the skills such as risk taking, dedication to work, problem solving skills, eagerness to try new and innovative, learning from failure, understanding to manage the situation independently which they learn from the experience and experts during the program.
In India some of the top institutes who provides the program in Entrepreunership are:
Amity Business School (Noida) – MBA - Entrepreneurship ( 2 Years ) |
Delhi Business School (Delhi) – specialization in Entrepreneurship & Business |
Entrerprise Development Institute (Kolkata) – Diploma in Entrepreneurship |
European Management Institute (Delhi) – MBA in Entrepreneurship Development |
IIM Bangalore (NSRCEL) – specialization in Entrepreneurs & Family Businesses |
IIM Bangalore (NSRCEL) – specialization in Women Entrepreneurs |
IIM Indore – specialization in Family owned Businesses & Entrepreneurship |
Infinity Business School (Gurgoan) – specialization in Entrepreneurship |
Institute of Marketing and Management (Delhi) – specialization in Entrepreneurship |
International College of Fashion (Delhi) – M.B.A in Entrepreneurship (Fashion) |
ISB (Goldman Sachs – Hyderabad) – Certificate course in Women Entrepreneurs |
ISB(Wadhwani Foundation – Hyderabad) – specialization in Global Growth Entrepreneurship |
JGI Group (Bangalore) – specialization in Entrepreneurship, Entre & Mgt, |
KIIT School of Management (Bhubaneshwar) – M.B.A in Entrepreneurship |
Kohinoor Business School (Pune) – M.B.A in Entrepreneurship |
L.N. Welingkar (Mumbai) – specialization in Family Managed Business |
Lal Bahadur Sastri Institute of Management – specialization in Entrepreneurship |
Master School of Management (Meerut) – specialization in Entrepreneurship |
Mudra Institute of Communication (Ahmedabad) – specialization in Communications, Management & Entrepreneurship |
Nirma Institute of Management (Ahmedabad) – M.B.A in Family Business and Entrepreneurship |
NMIMS (Mumbai) – M.B.A in Social Entrepreneurship |
Rai Business School (Delhi) – specialization in Planning and Entrepreneurship |
SPJIMR (Mumbai) – specialization in Family Managed Business |
Tata Institute of Social Sciences (Mumbai) – M.A in Social Entrepreneurship |
Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship (Bangalore) – specialization in Entrepreneurship Development |
XLRI (Jamshedpur) – Certificate in Entrepreneurship Management |
XLRI, Jamshedpur- Post Graduate Programme for Certificate in Entrepreneurship Management (PGPCEM)